Tuesday, June 5, 2012

How to Deal With Bad Weather When Driving an Rv

High Point Insurance - How to Deal With Bad Weather When Driving an Rv
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Do you know about - How to Deal With Bad Weather When Driving an Rv

High Point Insurance! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

I know, avoiding bad weather was why you bought an Rv in the first place. While the neighbors dig out their Yugos under three feet of snow back home, you and the Mrs. Are ordinarily parked under a palm tree some place warm. If the skies ever turn black and ugly in your neck of the woods, you outline you'll naturally point the rig in the other direction. Sure, these dodges work for a while, but mother Nature is like a Texas Ranger - she'll get you eventually.

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How is How to Deal With Bad Weather When Driving an Rv

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Let's face facts: The elements are everywhere. If the snow doesn't get you, ice will. Fog and hail can cold-cock even the most elusive drivers. And you know all too well how disconcerting a vivacious spring shower - with winds to boot - can be in a high-profile motor home or jiggly voyage trailer. Time to stop running and start fighting back. The following are some proven tips - mostly commonsense, positively - on how to deal with bad weather.

Raining on Your Parade
A tiny rain is good for the flowers, you say. However, when the rig starts hydroplaning along Interstate 80, it's not so pleasant. Rain is unavoidable, and always seems to bring its pal wind along for the ride. The question with heavy rain is twofold: wet roads teamed with bad visibility. Your first move is to turn on your headlights. Next, cut your speeds, and give those nearby you lots of room to breathe. If given the choice, take the middle lane, where vehicles sitting out the storm on the shoulder won't be a factor. Tap your brakes periodically to shake off wetness. Otherwise, just take it slow, wake the co-pilot to serve as someone else set of eyes (is that a funnel cloud I see?), and know when to cut your losses and get off the road. Succeed the signs for the World's Largest Ball of Twine and "ohh" and "ahh" at the spectacle until the storm finds someone else to pick on.

Wind-Wind Situation
What makes wind unique is that it's the only natural foe that can't be seen. One minute, things are swell in the cockpit. The next, you wondered how you got in the oncoming lane. Gusty days test the decree of any Rver. It's ordinarily days like this when packing the house into the Honda Accord starts sounding like a good idea. But you know the drill. Stop driving with your knee, and grip the steering wheel tightly with both hands. Stay out of the middle lane if potential (thus avoiding potential encounters with the other two lanes). Subtle steering in the direction of the blasts will help negate its effects. Give fellow travelers abundance of room. Be especially diligent at higher altitudes and over bridges, where winds take off the kid gloves.

The Ice Age
Oh, our great nemesis, Mr. Ice. Nothing makes us feel like Driver's Ed flunkies like sliding through an intersection, compliments of this slippery foe. Patches of ice can be difficult to detect and merciless once they've got you in their clutches. The best defense is to avoid Chicago in the wintertime (even April, for that matter). Otherwise, cut your speed, lose the impulse to make good time, and tap the brakes when slowing, instead of locking them. Get in the mindset of slowing the car earlier than general by decelerating (simply taking your foot of the gas pedal begins slowing the vehicle) and tap the brakes gradually and positively to half. Again, tailgating and inordinate lane changes are out of the question. Ice and nightfall? Now that's a worse combination than a Sylvester Stallone duplicate feature. Falling temperatures only makes for a dicier (and icier) proposition, so stay off the streets and let the salt-spewing plows do their jobs.

Snow Job
If rain is the mid-term then snow is your final examination. Not only is it slippery, longer lasting, and potentially windshield-clogging, snow often works to conceal icy conditions for a problematic one-two punch. It's not unusual for our warm-weather friends, unused to such quirky phenomena as snowfall ("Eck, what's falling from the sky?!?"), to fold like a three-card Monty game in Times quadrate under the powdery stuff. But you can cope it. Lights on, speed reduced. If the build-up is excessive, keep your wheels in the paths made by those traveling ahead of you, which should help right your ship somewhat. Befriending a snow plow isn't a bad idea either, although expect to come to be caked in more than your fair share of salt. Remember the pecking order when choosing your voyage route. Major thoroughfares are first to be plowed; grandma's cul-du-sac is ordinarily last. Stay on the main roads and keep it steady. Succeed the lead of those 18-wheelers. If they're abandoning the highway in droves, they know something you don't. Make likewise and park it.

Ah, so that's why they say a bad fog is like pea soup. Neither is much fun to drive through. Fog ranks extremely on your list of roadway dangers. At its worst, you won't know if you're on I-5 or floating in the Pacific. If you're wondering if you should be driving, you've already answered your question. Get off the road and break out the Scrabble board. Don't park on the shoulder under any circumstances or risk a nasty collision with a sightless driver. Until then, low-beam headlights are the best defense; the absorbing are useless here. The good news is that fog is relatively rare and more tasteless during the a.m. Before the sun burns it away.

Hail to the Chief
Can one safely drive through a hailstorm? Sure. Do you want to? I think not. The idea of canned hams plunking the roof and sides of your Rv probably means you're not concentrating on driving, rather that painful call to the assurance enterprise once the damage is done. Bad hail is pretty rare, but ordinarily sudden to erupt and intense in its force. Find a covered place to park the rig - but don't kill yourself looking such a spot in the process. Remember, the precious cargo is you.

Excessive Heat
How would you like to run a marathon with a house of four on your back? This is how your Rv feels while you're poking nearby Death Valley in August. Driving in the early morning or late afternoon is not just good for your rig on hot days, but for the crew as well. Wouldn't you rather be at the beach when it's 100° than in the back of motorhome with your head in the icebox?

Natural Disasters
Earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, oh my. Yeah, they're out there and there's not much in the way of constructive advice to give if a natural disaster is bearing down on you and the in-laws. But here's a few tidbits: Outrunning tornadoes is Hollywood; real-life survivors abandon ship and find shelter. A drainage ditch will do fine in a pinch; underpasses are good than nothing. Earthquakes? If the ground is opportunity up below your feet, I'm sure you're going to Succeed your instincts here. But again, it's good to be on the run than in a vast Rv. Hurricanes give abundance of warning, and shouldn't come as a surprise. Get out of town or find a sturdy shelter. Your Rv will have to fend for itself.

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